San Diego Zoo Announces Birth Of Endangered Lemur Twins

A big congrats to San Diego Zoo and to the mother, Rosalita, who birthed two endangered ring-tailed lemurs on July 8, 2020. The twins, one male, and one female (yet to be named) went through the Zoo's veterinarian's quality wellness check, to make sure everything is fine (ie, nursing properly, gaining weight, etc). Both twins have yet to be named but are in good health and very loved by all, especially their mother. Yeleny Smith, wildlife care specialist at the San Diego Zoo knew Rosalita would be an excellent mother from the start, "She immediately exhibited all the appropriate behaviors of a lemur mom—being very attentive, grooming them, placing them in the appropriate nursing position, encouraging them to nurse and tending to their every need. These births are significant, as they allow us to continue to learn and share knowledge about this endangered lemur species."What a sight it must be! According to San Diego Zoo, the 13-day-old twins are often seen "clinging to their mothers' belly" as she often nurses them and relaxes in the sun. Who else is currently looking up San Diego ticket prices to see these two precious babies? Both San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park are open but with added safety and health protocols. Story via San Diego Zoo Global ZooNooz