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Nanyang University
NTU alumnus Steven Lim gifts S$1 million to his alma mater to support students in need
(April 06 00:00) Nanyang University
Statement on online allegations
(April 01 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore scientists design ‘smart’ device to harvest daylight
(March 31 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore scientists develop diagnostic test that can detect the virus that causes COVID-19 even when it mutates
(March 29 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore scientists develop antibacterial gel bandage using durian husk
(March 25 11:00) Nanyang University
Dato' Sri Prof Dr Tahir makes birthday gift of S$1 million to support needy NTU students
(March 24 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore and the European Union launch SEA AiR, a new studio residential programme in the EU for Southeast Asian artists
(March 23 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore, Brown and MIT team develops artificial intelligence platform to assess blood vessel anomalies and eye disease 
(March 22 00:00) Nanyang University
Safety concerns determine level of public support for driverless vehicles, finds NTU Singapore study
(March 18 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore scientists develop device to 'communicate' with plants using electrical signals
(March 16 00:00) Nanyang University
Security most important to retaining mobile banking customers, NTU-WeBank study finds
(March 15 09:30) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore scientists design compound that targets enzyme linked to autoimmune disorders and severe COVID-19
(March 10 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore study finds link between empathy and care for the environment
(March 09 00:00) Nanyang University
New programme to encourage more women to pursue education and careers in STEM
(March 05 14:00) Nanyang University
Eight NTU subjects in global top 10
(March 03 19:11) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore holds Convocation for Class of 2020 
(March 01 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore scientists develop laser system that generates random numbers at ultrafast speeds
(February 26 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore’s Class of 2020 continues to be sought after by employers and earn higher salaries
(February 19 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore student start-up builds robots for pandemic-proof delivery
(February 17 00:00) Nanyang University
NTU Singapore expands interdisciplinary offerings to make graduates future ready
(February 15 00:00) Nanyang University